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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Medication Profile

Power Chart Medication Profile and Problem List Optimization
HIM Committee Meeting
March 25th, 2011

1.    Control vs. Shift in selecting items to clear from medication profile.
a.     Click Power Orders
b.     Left click on medication that you want to remove (ex. dicloxacillin)

c.     Next press the Ctrl button and hold down while left clicking other medications that you want to remove (ex. naproxen and trazodone)

d.     Then after you have selected all the meds you wish to remove, remove your finger from the Ctrl button, and right click over one of the blue highlighted areas and select Cancel/DC

e.     To select all meds in a row press shift instead of Ctrl (ex. dicloxacillin through trazodone) right click over blue highlighted area and select Cancel/DC

f.     Another method is to select each medication in either Power Chart Office or Power Chart
by right clicking over each medication, then select Cancel/DC

2.    Different Methods for Medication Reconciliation
a.     Open Power Chart, open your patient’s chart, click Medication Profile from the Menu on the left side of the screen, then select Medication Profile at the top of the screen, then Print List --Active Medications

b.     Open Power Chart Office, open your patient’s chart, click Clinic, select Reports, Print Reports…then click Medication List, then click Print 

3.    Macros for medication reconciliation

4.    How to remove problems from problem list
a.     Left click and highlight problem
b.     Right click over highlighted area and select modify problem

c. Next click the *Status drop down box and select either Error or Canceled down box and select either Error or Canceled

PowerNote Updates2

This e-mail is about the view in PowerNotes and primarily applies to those using free text notes.  Since the paragraph structure in the note collapses as the note is entered, the default has been reset to keep all the paragraph structure viewable as the note is entered.  For those entering free text notes, this is not useful and appears to affect the ability to enter free text.

If you are preferentially entering free text notes, see the attached document for instructions to set your view back to where it was.  The steps are simple and will hold for every patient/ every use of PowerChart. If you mostly use templated notes, you may not want to reset the view.

To enter free text into any note, use the 'contributor view' as shown at the end of the handout.  This view allows free text entry and the system response should be better.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if there are ongoing issues and I will try to help you or refer you to someone who can.

Entering Free Text into PowerNotes:
Open a note (it can be any type): this example uses free text note type You may not see any heading at this time:

In the upper left hand corner of the screen, just below the patient’s name, click on ‘View’
In the drop down menu, click on ‘Customize’
The Customize dialog box will pop up, as shown below:

Entering Free Text, contd:

In the Customize Dialog box, click on the ‘More’ tab;  you will see the screen shown below.
On this screen, click on the 4th box – ‘Render text in Template View’
On the bottom of this box, click Apply, then OK.  You only need to do this once; the changes will remain. 

The header for your note will re-appear.
To type free text into the note, switch to the text view by clicking on the face (see below)—it will say ‘contributor view’ –  on the right upper corner of the note.  This icon shifts between the structured view and the textual view of the note. Typing free text is possible in the text (contributor) view (and response time should be much faster as well).

PowerNote Updates

Leadership has made the decision to improve upon Powernote functionality by removing the <Hide Structure>/<Expand Structure> option at the paragraph level of Powernote templates. This means that all paragraphs (sections of the template) will now be expanded by default, eliminating sentences from being hidden (see below). This also prevents paragraphs from defaulting to a collapsed state when populating previous documentation into your note.

Along with this, the <Use Free Text> option at the paragraph level will no longer be available. Instead, you may now free text comments for paragraphs in the in the “contributor view” while documenting (see below).

This change is effective immediately. Please communicate this to your colleagues/staff and provide me with any feedback, as we are always looking to improvements this application.



*To free text at the paragraph level, click the “contributor view” icon   in the top right corner of the note. Then on the line below that last piece of documentation within a paragraph, click to insert your cursor and begin typing (ex: click below “referral source” in the example below). To flip back to the structured documentation, click the “template view” icon  in the top right corner of the note.

Rx Writer (Dr. Stabile)

After the printer has been selected and the order signed, the printer will be saved as your default printer only for Rx Writer. 


For now in Clinical Notes, the residents need to “submit” versus “save and close.”  They may do several iterations of “submit” to edit.

For PowerNotes, the residents need to “sign” and select the attending to route the note to.  Until we identify the fix, using the “save” button is deleting the previously charted note and saving only the current addendum notes.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

"Note Type" in PowerNote

1.       Open a Powernote
2.       Click VIEW on the top toolbar, then CUSTOMIZE
3.       Select the DOCUMENT TYPES tab
4.       In the “Default note type” drop down, select NONE
5.       The “display last document type used as default” box becomes active
6.       Check this box
7.       Click APPLY